This list has been put together to provide a link to past workers in the fields of Conchology and Malacology. One cannot hope to understand the present or predict to future without first looking at the past. Having a better understanding of WHO and WHAT went before will shape where we are going.
To that end I (with the help of numerous colleagues, especially Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli of the Società Italiana di Malacologia, who provided many of the photos included in the biographical accounts) have compiled a “rogue’s gallery” of past scientists in the fields of conchology and malacology, giving basic biographic / bibliographic information on each. Since my research interests lie in the area of freshwater mollusca, there is a predicted bias in that area. However, I would like to expand this list in the future and welcome additions, corrections, criticisms, etc.
I should state that most of the information in the accounts below was gleaned from the enormously useful publications of R.T. Abbott & M.E. Young, W.H. Dall, and R.I. Johnson.
Kevin S. Cummings, Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois, June 1999. (updated 31 March 2003)
- Abbott, R.T.
- Adams, A.
- Adams, C.B
- Adams, C.C.
- Agassiz, L.
- Agersborg, H.P.K.
- Alder, J.
- Aldrich, T.H.
- Allan, J.K.
- Ancey, C.F.
- Anthony, J.G.
- Baker, F.
- Baker, F.C.
- Baker, H.B.
- Barber, M.D.
- Barbour, T.
- Barnard, K.H.
- Barnes, D.W.
- Bartsch, P.
- Baxter, R.
- Bequaert, J.C.
- Binney, A.
- Binney, W.G.
- Blakeslee, C.L.
- Bland, T.B.
- Blatchley, W.S.
- Boettger, C.R.
- Bourguignat, J.R.
- Breston, H.
- Broderip, W.
- Brooks, S.T.
- Calkins, W.W.
- Call, R.E.
- Carpenter, P.P.
- Clench, W.J.
- Coney, C.C.
- Conrad, T.A.
- Cooper, J.G.
- Cooper, W.
- Couthouy, J.P.
- Crosse, J.C.H.
- Cuming, H.
- Dall, W.H.
- Danglade, E.
- Daniels, L.E.
- Dautzenberg, P.
- Eyerdam, W.J.
- Ferriss, J.H.
- Foster, T.D.
- Frierson, L.S.
- Fuller, S.L.H.
- Gill, T.N.
- Goodrich, C.
- Gould, A.A.
- Gould, S.J.
- Grier, N.M.
- Gundlach, J.
- Haas, F.
- Haldeman, S.S.
- Hartman, W.D.
- Headley, C.
- Hemphill, H.
- Henderson, J.
- Hildreth, S.P.
- Hinkley, A.A.
- Holmes, B.T.
- Howard, A.D.
- Jay, J.C.
- Jewett, E.
- Johnson, C.W.
- Keep, J.
- Kennicott, R.
- Kirtland, J.P
- Kofoid, C.A.
- Lapham, I.A.
- Latchford, F.R
- Law, A.E.
- Lea, I.
- LeConte, J.
- Leidy, J.
- Lermond, N.W.
- Lesueur, C.A.
- Letson, E.
- Lichtenthaler, G.W.
- Linnaeus, C.
- Marsh, P.L.
- Marsh, W.A.
- Marshall, W.B.
- Matteson, M.A.
- McNiel, J.A.
- Moores, H.
- Morrison, J.P.E.
- Morse, E.S.
- Newcomb, W.
- Nylander, O.O.
- Ortmann, A.E.
- Pilsbry, H.A.
- Pleas, E.
- Powell, J.W.
- Prashad, B.
- Prime, T.
- Rafinesque, C.S.
- Reeve, L.A.
- Rosewater, J.
- Say, T.
- Shimek, B.
- Simpson, C.T.
- Smith, E.A.
- Smith, H.H.
- Solem, G.A.
- Sowerby, G.B., III.
- Starrett, W.C.
- Stearns, R.E.C.
- Sterki, V.
- Stimpson, W.
- Strecker, J.K.
- Surber, T.
- Tait, C.
- Tappan, B., Jr.
- Torre, C.
- Tryon, G.W.
- Utterback, W.I.
- Van Cleave, H.J.
- van der Schalie, H.
- Vanuxem, L.
- von Ihering, H.
- Walker, B.
- Webb, W.F.
- Wetherby, A.G.
- Wheatley, C.M.
- Whiteaves, J.F.
- Winkley, H.W.
- Wright, B.H.
- Wright, S.H.
- Yates, L.G.
- Zetek, J.