Lorraine Screven Frierson

7 August 1861 – 1933

Born: Lakeville, Lousiana.

Died: ??

Occupation: Cotton Planter. Amateur Conchologist.


Society Service:

Travels: Texas.

Collection Deposition: Purchased by Bryant Walker and later donated to the University of Michigan.

Research Interests:

Data from: Abbott, R.T., and M.E. Young (eds.). 1973. American Malacologists: A national register of professional and amateur malacologists and private shell collectors and biographies of early American mollusk workers born between 1618 and 1900. American Malacologists, Falls Church, Virginia. Consolidated/Drake Press, Philadelphia. 494 pp.

Other References: Johnson, R.I. 1972. Illustrations of all of the mollusks described by Lorraine Screven Frierson. Occasional Papers on Mollusks, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 3(41):137-173.

Strecker, J.K. Jr. 1929. Lorraine Screven Frierson, a southern conchologist. Contribution of the Baylor University Museum 21:1-12.

Vidrine, M.F., and K.B. Schwartz. 1978. Lorraine Screven Frierson – Naturalist. Louisiana Renaissance 1(2):8, 35-36.

Partial Bibliography

Frierson, L.S. 1897. Conchiological notes from Louisiana. Nautilus 11(1):3-4.

Frierson, L.S. 1898. Unio (Lampsilisamphichaenus, n. sp. Nautilus 11(10):109-110 + plate 1.

Frierson, L.S. 1899. The Unionidae of DeSoto Parish, Louisiana. Gulf Fauna and Flora 1(1):6-12.

Frierson, L.S. 1899. How uniones emigrate. Nautilus 12(12):139-140.

Frierson, L.S. 1899. Among the Unios of the Sabine River. Nautilus 13(7):79-81.

Frierson, L.S. 1900. A new Alabama Unio. Nautilus 13(10):109-110 + 1 plate.

Frierson, L.S. 1900. An hour on the great raft. Nautilus 14(6):67-69.

Frierson, L.S. 1901. A new Unio from Texas. Nautilus 15(7):75-76 + 1 plate.

Frierson, L.S. 1902. Collecting Unionidae in Texas and Louisiana. Nautilus 16(4):37-40.

Frierson, L.S. 1903. The specific value of Unio declivus, Say. Nautilus 17(5):49-51 + 1 plate.

Frierson, L.S. 1903. Observations on the bysus of Unionidae. Nautilus 17(7):76-77.

Frierson, L.S. 1904. Observations on the genus Quadrula. Nautilus 17(10):111-112.

Frierson, L.S. 1904. Notes on the structure of the shells of Unio. Nautilus 17(9):98-99.

Frierson, L.S. 1905. New Unionidae from Alabama. Nautilus 19(2):13-14 + plate 1.

Frierson, L.S. 1905. Notes on young Unionidae. Nautilus 19(5):49-50.

Frierson, L.S. 1906. Some observations on the ova of Unionidae. Nautilus 20(6):68-69.

Frierson, L.S. 1907. Notes on some exotic Unionidae. Nautilus 21(5):49-50 + 1 plate.

Frierson, L.S. 1907. A new Mexican mussel, Lampsilis fimbrata. Nautilus 21(8):86-87 + 1 plate.

Frierson, L.S. 1908. Notes on some Australian Unionidae. Nautilus 21(10):118-119.

Frierson, L.S. 1908. Description of a new Pleurobema. Nautilus 22(3):27-28 + 1 plate.

Frierson, L.S. 1909. Remarks on the subfamilies Hyriinae and Unioninae. Nautilus 22(10):106-107.

Frierson, L.S. 1910. Description of a new species of Anodonta. Nautilus 23(9):113-114 + 1 plate.

Frierson, L.S. 1910. Notes on Oriental Unionidae. Nautilus 24(8):92-94.

Frierson, L.S. 1911. A comparison of the Unionidae of the Pearl and Sabine rivers. Nautilus 24(12):134-136.

Frierson, L.S. 1911. Notes on Oriental Unionidae. Nautilus 24(9):97-98.

Frierson, L.S. 1911. New Florida Unio. Nautilus 25(3):29-30 + 1 plate (in 25 number 4).

Frierson, L.S. 1911. Note on Lampsilis discus (Lea). Nautilus 25(3):36.

Frierson, L.S. 1911. Remarks on Unio varicosuscicatricosus and Unio compertus, new species. Nautilus 25(5):51-54 + 2 plates.

Frierson, L.S. 1912. Notes on Anodonta couperiana and A. gibbosa. Nautilus 25(11):129-130.

Frierson, L.S. 1912. Unio (Lampsilis?) purpuriatus Say. Nautilus 26(2):22-23 + 1 plate.

Frierson, L.S. 1912. Unio (Obovariajacksonianus, new species. Nautilus 26(2):23-24 + 1 plate.

Frierson, L.S. 1913. Some criticisms on Dr. F. Haas’ monograph of the Unionidae. Nautilus 26(12):141-142.

Frierson, L.S. 1913. Unio (Nephronaiasortmanni, N. sp. Nautilus 27(2):14-15. (Plate appears in 27(3)).

Frierson, L.S. 1913. Two new species of Parreysia from Kamerun, Africa. Nautilus 27(8):85-86 + 1 plate.

Frierson, L.S. 1914. Remarks on classification of the Unionidae. Nautilus 28(1):6-8.

Frierson, L.S. 1914. Observations on the genus Symphynota, Lea. Nautilus 28(4):40.

Frierson, L.S. 1914. A new pearly freshwater mussel of the genus Hyria from Brazil. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 47(2053):363 + 1 plate.

Frierson, L.S. 1915. Lasmigona subviridis Conrad, redivivus. Nautilus 29(5):57-59.

Frierson, L.S. 1916. Observations on the Unio cor of Conrad. Nautilus 29(9):102-104 + 1 plate.

Frierson, L.S. 1916. Observations on Unio giganteus Barnes. Nautilus 30(6):61-64.

Frierson, L.S. 1917. New genera and species of Central American naiades. Nautilus 31(2):47-49 + plate 7.

Frierson, L.S. 1917. On the rate of growth of pond unios. Nautilus 31(2):49-50 + plate 7.

Frierson, L.S. 1919. Remarks upon the identity of “Unio fasciata,” Rafinesque. Nautilus 32(4):139-141.

Frierson, L.S. 1920. Lasmigona viridis Rafinesque, 1820. Nautilus 33(4):127-130.

Frierson, L.S. 1922. Observations on the genera Leila and Anodontites. Nautilus 36(1):7-10.

Frierson, L.S. 1922. Observations on the genus Margaritana with a new sub-genus. Nautilus 36(2):42-44.

Frierson, L.S. 1923. Inhabitants of a natural aquarium. Nautilus 36(4):126-129.

Frierson, L.S. 1924. Interesting facts in the history of Unio orbiculatus Hildreth and U. abruptus Say. Nautilus 37(4):135-137.

Frierson, L.S. 1927. A classification and annotated check list of the North American naiades. Baylor University Press, Waco, Texas. 111 pp.

Frierson, L.S. 1928. Illustrations of Uniondae. Nautilus 41(4):138-139 + 3 plates.

Frierson, L.S. 1933. John K. Strecker. Nautilus 46(4):136-137.

Pilsbry, H.A., and L.S. Frierson. 1907. Description of a Mexican Lampsilis. Nautilus 21(7): plate 12.

Pilsbry, H.A., and L.S. Frierson. 1908. Description of a Mexican Lampsilis. Nautilus 22(8):81-82.