Iredale, 1934 – Australia
Alathyria jacksoni Iredale, 1934
INHS 11432. Namoi River, New South Wales, Australia.
Type Species: Alathyria jacksoni Iredale, 1934 (by original designation) (McMichael & Hiscock 1958:410; Smith 1992:15).
Original Citation: Iredale, T. 1934. The freshwater mussels of Australia. Australian Zoologist 8:57-78.
Remarks: See McMichael & Hiscock (1958:410) for nomenclatorial notes.
Generic Synonyms: Quaesithyria Iredale, 1943.
Currently Recognized Taxa (5)
Taxonomic References: McMichael & Hiscock 1958; Smith 1992.
1. Alathyria condola Iredale, 1943
- Distribution: Murray-Darling Basin, NSW (McMichael & Hiscock 1958:425; Smith 1992:15).
- Synonymy:
Alathyria condola Iredale, 1943.
Guide to the freshwater shells of New South Wales. Part I. Australian Natural History 11:85-95.
- Type Locality: Murrumbidgee River, Narrandera, New South Wales, Australia.
- Holotype: AM C61752.
- Paratypes: AM C61763 (2), C61752 (1), C61755 (1).
2. Alathyria jacksoni Iredale, 1943
- Distribution: Murray-Darling Basin, SE coastal, SA, VIC, NSW, QLD (McMichael & Hiscock 1958:425; Smith 1992:15).
- Synonymy:
Alathyria jacksoni Iredale, 1934.
- The freshwater mussels of Australia. Australian Zoologist 8:57-78.
- Type Locality: Barwon River, New South Wales, Australia.
- Holotype: AM C33006.
- Paratypes: AM C61772 (13).
Alathyria jacksoni allani Iredale, 1943.
- Guide to the freshwater shells of New South Wales. Part I. Australian Natural History 11:85-95.
- Type Locality: Macquarie River, Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia.
- Holotype: AM C61744.
- Paratype: AM C61745 (1).
Alathyria selwyni Iredale, 1943.
- Guide to the freshwater shells of New South Wales. Part I. Australian Natural History 11:85-95.
- Type Locality: Murrumbidgee River, Leeton, New South Wales, Australia.
- Holotype: AM C61764.
- Paratypes: AM C61888 (2).
3. Alathyria pertexta pertexta Iredale, 1934
- Distribution: SE coastal, NE coastal, Lake Eyre Basin, NSW, QLD (McMichael & Hiscock 1958:425; Smith 1992:15).
- Synonymy:
Unio shuttleworthii Lea, 1856.
- Description of twenty-five new species of exotic Uniones. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 8(2):92-95.
- Type Locality: Moreton Bay, [Queensland], Australia.
- Lectotype: USNM 84416.Paralectotype: AMNH 30905 (1), ex. Haines Collection 1870.
- Remarks: Non Unio shuttleworthi Küster, 1855.
Alathyria pertexta Iredale, 1934.
- The freshwater mussels of Australia. Australian Zoologist 8:57-78.
- Type Locality: Upper Brisbane River, Queensland, Australia.Holotype: AM C12009.
Alathyria morti Iredale, 1943.
- Guide to the freshwater shells of New South Wales. Part I. Australian Natural History 11:85-95.
- Type Locality: Richmond River, Casino, New South Wales, Australia.
- Holotype: AM C61765.Paratype: C61766 (1).
4. Alathyria pertexta wardi Iredale, 1943
- Distribution: N Gulf, QLD NT (McMichael & Hiscock 1958:425; Smith 1992:15).
- Synonymy:
Quaesithyria wardi Iredale, 1943.
- A basic list of the fresh-water Mollusca of Australia. Australian Zoologist 10:188-230.
- Type Locality: Einaslleigh River, Queensland, Australia.
- Lectotype: AM C61767.
- Paratype: C61852 (1).
5. Alathyria profuga (Gould, 1850)
- Distribution: SE coastal, NSW (McMichael & Hiscock 1958:425; Smith 1992:15).
- Synonymy:
Unio profugus Gould, 1850.
- [Descriptions of new species of shells.]. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 3(19):292-296.
- Type Locality: Hunter’s [Hunter] River, New South Wales, Australia.
- Holotype: USNM 5928.
Alathyria vadena Iredale, 1943.
- Guide to the freshwater shells of New South Wales. Part I. Australian Natural History 11:85-95.
- Type Locality: Shoalhaven River, New South Wales, Australia.
- Holotype: AM C61860.
- Paratypes: AM C47308 (1), C47310 (1), C12007 (5).