Simpson, 1900 – South America
Callonaia duprei (Recluz, 1842)
BMNH 1965.185. [Amazon River].
Type Species: Castalia duprei Récluz, 1842 (by monotypy).
Original Citation: Simpson, C.T. 1900. Synopsis of the naiades, or pearly fresh-water mussels. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 22(1205):501-1044.
Distribution: Great Lakes of Para, Brazil (Simpson 1990:867).
1 Currently Recognized Taxa
Callonaia duprei (Récluz, 1842)
Synonymy: Castalia duprei Récluz, 1842
Description de deux coquilles nouvelles. Revue de Zoologie 6:305-307. [305]
- Figured: Pl. 35.
- Type Locality: Great Lakes of Para, [Para], Brazil.
- Remarks: Date incorrectly listed by Simpson (1900, 1914) as 1843.
- Simpson 1900: Callonaia duprei (Récluz, 1843) p. 867.
- Haas 1969: Callonaia duprei (Récluz, 1842) p. 542.
Castalia dolabella Sowerby, 1869
Monograph of the genus Castalia. in L. Reeve and G.B. Sowerby (eds.) Conchologica Iconica 17:1-6 + 3 plates. [unpaginated]
- Figured: Pl. 3, fig. 13 a-c.
- Type Locality: [River Amazon].
- Lectotype: BMNH 1965.185.
- Paratype: BMNH 1965.186.
- Remarks: Type locality not given by Sowerby in the original description. A small, obviously old strip of a label with the “type” says “River Amazon” (Acc. No. 1829) which Johnson (1971:83) reported as the type locality .
- Simpson 1900: Callonaia duprei (Récluz, 1843) p. 867.
- Haas 1969: Callonaia duprei (Récluz, 1842) p. 542.