20 May 1838 – 5 February 1889
Born: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Died: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Occupation: Malacologist, Music Composer and Publisher.
Education: Friends Central School, 1853.
Research Interests:
Data from: Abbott, R.T., and M.E. Young (eds.). 1973. American Malacologists: A national register of professional and amateur malacologists and private shell collectors and biographies of early American mollusk workers born between 1618 and 1900. American Malacologists, Falls Church, Virginia. Consolidated/Drake Press, Philadelphia. 494 pp.
Other References:
Partial Bibliography
Tryon, G.W. 1861. Publications of Isaac Lea on recent conchology, extracted from a list of American writers on recent conchology. Bryson’s Printing Rooms, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 13 pp.
Tryon, G.W. 1861. On the Mollusca of Harper’s Ferry, Virgina. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 13(1861):396-399.
Tryon, G.W. 1862. A sketch of the history of conchology in the United States. American Journal of Science and Arts 33(second series)(98):161-180.
Tryon, G.W. 1862. Notes on American fresh water shells, with descriptions of two new species. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 14(1862):451-452.
Tryon, G.W. 1863. Descriptions of two new species of fresh water mollusca, from Panama. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 15(1863):146.
Tryon, G.W. 1863. Descriptions of new species of fresh water Mollusca, belonging to the families Amnicolidae, Valvatidae and Limnaeidae; inhabiting California. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 15(1863):147-150.
Tryon, G.W. 1863. Description of a new species of Pleurocera. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 15(1863):279-280.
Tryon, G.W. 1863. Synoymy of the species of Streptomatidae, a family of fluviatile mollusca, inhabiting North America. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 15(1863):306-321.
Binney, W.G., and G.W. Tryon. 1864. The complete writings of Constantine Smaltz Rafinesque on recent & fossil conchology. H. Bailliere Co., New York. 96 pp + index + 3 plates.
Tryon, G.W. 1864. Synoymy of the species of Streptomatidae, a family of fluviatile mollusca, inhabiting North America (cont.). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 16(1864):24-48; 92-104.
Tryon, G.W. 1865. Catalogue of Mollusca, collected by Prof. D.S. Sheldon, at Davenport, Iowa. American Journal of Conchology 1(1):68-70.
Tryon, G.W. 1865. [Overview of the] Complete writings of Constatine Smaltz Rafinesque on recent and fossil conchology. American Journal of Conchology 1(1):79-84 + table.
Tryon, G.W. 1865. Monograph of the family Streptomatidae. American Journal of Conchology 1(4):299-341.
Tryon, G.W. 1866. Monograph of the family Streptomatidae. (cont.). American Journal of Conchology 2(1):14-52.
Tryon, G.W. 1866. Observations on an abnormal specimen of Physa gyrina. American Journal of Conchology 2(2):114.
Tryon, G.W. 1866. Monograph of the family Streptomatidae. (cont.). American Journal of Conchology 2(2):115-133.
Tryon, G.W. 1866. Note on the ligual dentition of the Streptomatidae. American Journal of Conchology 2(2):134.
[Tryon, G.W.] 1866. Obituary. Lowell Reeve. American Journal of Conchology 2(2):189-192.
[Tryon, G.W.] 1866. Obituary. M. Valenciennes. American Journal of Conchology 2(2):192.
[Tryon, G.W.] 1866. Obituary. Bouchard-Chantereaux. American Journal of Conchology 2(2):192.
Tryon, G.W. 1867. Obituary. Augustus Addison Gould, M.D. American Journal of Conchology 3(1):106-107.
Tryon, G.W. 1867. Obituary. Major Robert Kennicutt [sic.]. American Journal of Conchology 3(1):107-108.
Tryon, G.W. 1868. Notes on Mollusca collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden in Nebraska. American Journal of Conchology 4(3):150-151.
Tryon, G.W. 1868. [Review of] Hincks, W. Molluscous animals Nos. 1 and 2. American Journal of Conchology 4(3):161-162.
Tryon, G.W. 1873. Land and fresh-water shells of North America. Part IV. Strepomatidae. (American Melanians). Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 16(253):lv, 1-435 + 837 text figs.
Tryon, G.W. 1882-1884. Structural and Systematic Conchology. 3 Vols., 1440 plates.