22 October 1833 – 3 August 1909
Born: Boston, Massachusetts.
Died: Burlington, New Jersey.
Other Personal Information: Married Marie Louise Chamberlain of Philadelphia in 1855. Lived in Burlington, N.J. 1856-1909. Lived 3 years in Paris.
Occupation: Malacologist.
Education: A.B. Harvard, 1857 (as class of 1854); Honorary A.M. Harvard, 1884.
Research Interests: Bibliography.
Collection Deposition: Left to the Smithsonian (USNM).
Data from: Abbott, R.T., and M.E. Young (eds.). 1973. American Malacologists: A national register of professional and amateur malacologists and private shell collectors and biographies of early American mollusk workers born between 1618 and 1900. American Malacologists, Falls Church, Virginia. Consolidated/Drake Press, Philadelphia. 494 pp.
Other References: Gray, A.F. 1931. William Greene Binney. Nautilus 45(2):37-41 + 1 plate.
Partial Bibliography
Binney, W.G. 1858. The complete writings of Thomas Say on the conchology of the United States. H. Bailliere Co., New York. 1-252 + 75 plates.
Binney, W.G. 1863. Bibliography of North American conchology previous to the year 1860. Part I. American Authors. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 5:1-650.
Binney, W.G. 1864. Bibliography of North American conchology previous to the year 1860. Part II. Foreign Authors. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 9:1-306.
Binney, W.G., and G.W. Tryon. 1864. The complete writings of Constantine Smaltz Rafinesque on recent & fossil conchology. H. Bailliere Co., New York. 96 pp + index + 3 plates.
Binney, W.G. 1865. Land and fresh water shells of North America. Part II. Pulmonata, Limnophila, and Thalassophila. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 143:ix-161.
Binney, W.G. 1865. Land and fresh water shells of North America. Part III. Ampuillariidae, Valvatidae, Viviparidae, fresh-water Rissoidae, Cyclophoridae, Truncatellidae, Freshwater Neritidae, Helicinidae. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 144:vii-120.
Lea, I., and W.G. Binney. 1858-1859. Explorations in Nebraska, etc. Report on the Geology and Natural History of Nebraska, F. V. Hayden, Ed.